Higher download speeds

A new age of higher download speeds!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Torrent Accelerator

There are two types of torrent trackers:
  • Private trackers, such as Torrentleech.org.
    Those trackers are the preferable ones to download from, because you are linked with thousands of members who allways seed for enlraging their ratio, and you download at the very high speed, usually.
    The problem is, not every private tracker allow users to become members, and you wont enjoy the fast download speeds of that community, and its torrents. Some of them have an invites system, but its not easy to get. So you start seeking for good torrents in the second type of trackers, the public ones.
  • Public trackers, such as ThePirateBay.org and ISOHunt.com and much more, don't have a community to kick you from if your ratio is too low. That's the reason for fine download speeds on average. Only popular torrents will have great download speed.
    If the torrent isn't very popular its speeds are not high at all. Not talking about getting your downloads done if the popularity of the torrent is low, or it's just old - your chances to get it done are tend to ZERO.

So I found a solution for all the users of the public trackers: Torrent Accelerator.

This is how it works:
When you download from public trackers, the torrent usually have few more trackers, which you download from those ones too. The more trackers are listed, the more users share the file, meaning: higher download speeds.
So you can begin searching for trackers at a lot of torrents search engines, and add your trackers by yourself, which takes a lot of time and it's desperating.

The Torrent Accelerator is seeking for trackers automaticly!
you dont have to search for trackers, it does all the hard work and adds the trackers to your torrent, so when you download files your download gets faster!

Version 1.0.0 have been released!

Download link:

enjoy higher download speeds :)

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